9 Reasons Why Men Lose Interest & What You Can Do About It

One man’s account of his disappearances

Ali Victor Binazir, MD


Here’s a most excellent letter about a question that every woman has asked at some point:

“Why is it that a guy fiercely pursues a woman at first, and then when he finds out she is actually interested he is not so sure if he is interested anymore? And then his interest wanes and he starts treating her like an option instead of a priority? When can you let a guy know you are interested! At what stage? Is dating just one big game? How do you get a guy to treat you like priority instead of an option? For background, I’m 29, live in Australia, and I’ve been on 5 dates with this guy so far but we haven’t kissed yet.” — Sheila

Well well. This one has been posed by women since time immemorial. There he was, totally interested, looking dapper in his buffalo skin while nonchalantly swinging his club at the cave entrance, offering you some freshly killed mastodon meat. There he was, showing up outside your castle window every day in his mostly shiny but frankly also a little rusty armor, strumming his lute and warbling his troubadour songs. There he was at the opera house, his head low and eyes up giving him that simultaneously worshipful and conspiratorial look, passing you a note saying, “Meet me at the fountain when the clock tower…



Ali Victor Binazir, MD
Ali Victor Binazir, MD

Written by Ali Victor Binazir, MD

Happiness Doctor bringing you the best science & wisdom for a happier, healthier life. Author, “Tao of Dating”, #1-rated women’s dating book on Amazon

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